Hello If focus goes to elements which are not actionable and don't have a semantic role where you would expect focus to go to them (like tabpanels), so awith text in for example, is this always a focus order fail? In my opinion, it is confusing to have non-interactive controls in tab order and increases the effort to navigate. For example: 1. A set of pagination links where the current page becomes ordinary text but they leave a tabindex=0 on it 2. A set of items in a list, each item is essentially a 'card' with a fair amount of content in it, and focus goes to eachThere is nothing in the SC that explicitly mentions non-interactive content being added to tab order as a failure, so I wanted to check in case there is an argument that this is fine in some cases? Thanks Sarah Sent from Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
Focus on non-interactive elements